Monday, March 17, 2008

Why Do People Give Up Their Dreams?

This is a beautiful article that I chance upon.

Fear is the number one reason that people do not live their dreams. Fear holds us back, sometimes paralyzing us, and prevents us from moving forward.But, when you look back at your life, what do you want it to be about? Do you want to say, "I could have" or "I did"? The choice is yours, what words do you want to come out of your mouth?

So how do you move past your fears and live your dreams? Follow these easy steps:

1. Acknowledge that you have dreams. I meet so many people who say that they don't have dreams or they can't remember what they are. You know what your dreams are, you really do. You've just pushed them down so deep that it might take some time to bring them to the surface again. Let them out, you are worth it.

2. Write down your dreams. How can you live your dreams if you can't see what they are? Write them down. Don't judge your dreams or wonder "how?" Just do it!

3. Break your dreams into small steps. All accomplishments in life happen when you take the first step. It doesn't have to be large one. It just has to get you moving. Small steps will get you to your dreams. Until one day, you realize that you are there.

4. Face the barriers that are keeping you from living your dreams. What's keeping you from living your dreams? Not enough money or time? Too many responsibilities? Look for ways to overcome this. There will always be a reason not to do something. It's up to you if you want to give into these reasons or not.

5. Find people who will support you. They should be people who love you and will cheer you on as you move towards your dreams. Tell them how much you love and appreciate them. You do not want to live your dreams by yourself.

6. Pat yourself on the back for your successes. You deserve it! The fun part of living your dreams is the journey. It's the piece that builds character and the piece that you will remember the most.

7. Recognize that fear will not go away. There are times when you will wonder if you have what it takes to fulfill your dreams or if you deserve to live them. Fear is a normal part of human nature. If you can accept that fear will occur during this process then you don't have to spend time worrying what you will do if you do get afraid because you will have this part handled. The only way past fear is through it and not around it. You can do it!

So feel the fear and live your dreams anyway! There are no guarantees, but the rewards are plentiful if you believe in yourself. No one is going to live your dreams for you. It's up to you to create your own life. Why not have that life filled with dreams.

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