Thursday, July 19, 2007

Lessons From Robert Kiyosaki's Seminar, 'Secrets Of The Rich' At The National Achievers Congress

The Secrets of the Rich - No. 1
The poor and the middle-class work for money. The rich have money work for them

I've recently been to a property fair featuring Australia properties. It was indeed an eye opener for someone like me who has not invested in any real estate properties. It was demonstrated how easy it was for someone who has moderate savings could actually own one small size apartment and start earning passive income. Certainly, the apartment has to be situated in good locations. Besides the passive income, the land which the apartment sits on will also appreciate and provide capital gain if he intends to sell the unit later.
Using that passive income, the person could either spend it or serve a new mortgage loan for another residential property. This is a formula that will never be taught in school.
How much interest are we earning today from our bank savings? It's a shameful amount.
It can be quite scary if one has no prior real estate investment experience because the initial capital outlay may cause uncomfortable to most ordinary people.

The Secrets of the Rich - No. 2
Mind your own business

Robert is not telling us not to be a busybody. The advice is to tell us to start our own business. Many people actually have many great ideas. This world has no lack of great ideas. It's whether the idea is being put into action is another set of story. It's a habit for not doing new things and it's also a habit for constantly doing new things. So the major problem of most ordinary people is that they lack action despite having great ideas. Hence, no great result was produced.
So start putting your idea into action and start a business for yourself. You've got to take care of yourself!

The Secrets of the Rich - No. 3
Create investments, don't buy them

Robert uses an example of real estate. I feel that this secret apply to your business too. If you have a great idea which you put into action to create your successful business, you will attract investors. They put huge capital into your business for you to grow them. How much an idea cost?

Create investment = Create idea
But you must put that idea into action. In other words, make things happen!

The Secrets of the Rich - No. 4
Expand the product before you buy

This can be applicable to your business too. This is what the big guys are doing in the business world. If you own a successful business, you can take it to public through IPO. Your business is still the same business. However, you've added an element of investment into your business. Money rolls into your business quicker.
Robert's next question was, "What is your winning formula?"
For him, don't do what everybody else is doing.

I feel this is an important question. What we've been doing and thinking have gotten us to where we are today. So, I choose not to work for somebody else, just like many others are doing, and today I'm earning passive income.

What about yourself?

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

30 Day Mental Fast: 8 Simple Proven Ways to Create Positive Attitude

8 Simple Proven Ways to help you get started fast

No. 1 - Read (at least 15 minutes per day)
Go to the local bookstore and buy yourself an empowering book. You will find plenty in the Personal Development. Get one and start reading.

No. 2 - Turn off the TV
TV, is a very powerful media machine. Your time and energy will be absorbed by the TV programmes unknowingly... hours after hours. It's a very negative way of letting your mind being influenced.

No. 3 - Listen to empowering audio CD
When is the best time to do so? Anytime if you want to, but the best is when you travel, for example while driving, on the train or bus.

No. 4 - Eliminate newspaper
Majority of the news is full of negativity. News on war, killing, stealing, explosion, blaming and more arepublished on the paper. Would you like to have more negative stuff into your brain?

No. 5 - Associate with positive people
Successful people are positive people. You won't find someone who is successful and yet very negative. There is a saying, 'Know your friends, but choose your peers.'

No. 6 - Drink plenty of fresh clean water
You will die if don't consume water for a day. That's how important water is to our health.It does cleansing, promotes good digestive, stop our thirst and other many plus points.

No. 7 - Exercise daily
Start doing some light exercises. When you exercise, you breathe better and more oxygen is being carried by your blood to your heart, brain and other organs in your body. Human cells need oxygento survive and multiply.

No. 8 - Reflection
Do this alone at a quiet time. Reflection is like a review of the events that happen in a day. Some good or some bad. Have you done well today? What went well and went bad? How can you doto improve? What are your goals? Have you reached your goal or still far from it? Or worst still, getting further away from your goals.

If you really follow these 8 ways, you will feel the change in you as soon as in the first week. How do I know? Simple, I've tried them.

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