Friday, October 26, 2007

Law of Success - 60 Seconds Is All You Need To Decide

I would like to dedicate this true story to individuals who are facing uncertainty in their life… I was once in the same situation. So it pains me to see people whom I know, who are dear to me, facing the same fate.

A 25-year-old reporter, born into poverty...but climbing his way up the ladder, is planning to pay his way through Georgetown University Law School.

Commissioned by Robert L. Taylor, former Governor of Tennessee, to write "success stories" about famous men for his magazine...he is given his first assignment to interview one of the richest men in the world...the steel magnate Andrew Carnegie.

What followed was to change the world...forever.

All the young Napoleon Hill knew...was that he had an interview to do.

The interview was due to last for three hours...but stretched long after Carnegie's servants had retired for the night. In fact...Hill spent a total of three days and nights as a guest of one of the world's richest men.

Three whole days and nights listening to the wisdom of one the greatest business minds ever to have walked this Earth!

What would YOU give to be in a position like that?

So...why did it take so long?

Well...Andrew Carnegie was no ordinary man. You don't go from poverty to being a billionaire without being different.

Carnegie had an idea the result of which you will benefit from some ninety-five years later.

He wanted Hill to organize the world's first philosophy of personal achievement, based upon the principles that he and his fellow giants of the age had used to accumulate their vast fortunes.

So...put yourself in Napoleon Hill's shoes...

One of the richest men in the world asks you this question:

"If I were to give you the opportunity to organize this philosophy, with my help, but without payment...a task that would probably take at least twenty years or so...would you do it?"

Well...what would have been YOUR answer?

What you don't know is that Carnegie is sitting with a stop-watch in his hand...and has given you a time limit.

You don't know it...but he has only given you 60 seconds to make up your mind - and you've already taken 15 seconds to get to this point.

What do you do? You have a family to support after all. Commitments. Debts to worry about.

Well...Napoleon Hill didn't know about the time limit, either...but it only took him until NOW (that's 29 seconds)...before he gave his answer:


Carnegie had learned that those men (and women) who are slow to make up their minds - are also slow in carrying out their decisions. Hence, that also hinders their success in life.

Times doesn't change...that's for sure.

Are you one of them?

Stop the clock! Your 60 seconds are up!

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