Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Mastering YOUR LIFE

Quick Summary of Anthony Robbins' Lesson from Unlimited Power

80% of success is PSYCHOLOGY, 20% is MECHANICAL

Psychology simple means our state of mind (mindset).

3 DECISIONS of destiny

There are 3 decisions we are making every moment of our lives that determine our destiny

1. What are you going to focus on?

2. What does it mean?

3. What are you going to do?

Where focus goes, energy flows

So focus on what you want and not what you fear!

What does it take to master your life?

1. Raise your standards (Change your SHOULD to MUST)

2. Change your limiting beliefs

3. Model the strategies that work (Success leaves clues)

4. Increase your emotional intensity to train and build your emotional muscle

5. Give more than you expect to receive (Secret to living is giving)
If you don't quite understood what is presented here, feel free to ask me for more details :)

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