Monday, October 29, 2007

Noodle Prices Going Up!

Noodle can be considered as one of the local's favourite food. But soon, it might not be enjoying such status among the locals here. An upcoming price hike of 20%-30% will soon channel the cost to the end consumers. Few months back, the price to enjoy a cup of Milo was up by SGD0.10. Now it's noodles. A family of 4-5 will have to cough up more to enjoy their favourite pastas, wanton noodles and etc. Will the price ever come down in the near future? The standard of living keep increasing, that goes without saying for the cost to maintain such standard. Is it still true to say that, "What goes up, must come down?" Only time will tell... but after some time, the consumers have already adjusted with this price hike and soon forget about it.


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