Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Equip Yourself To Succeed

If you have paid attention to a a goldfish in a bowl, you may have noticed that it just swims round and round the bowl and never gets anywhere. Many people are like goldfish. Busy as they might seem to be, they drift and wander through life without plan or purpose.

Life is never intended to be a game of chance. You must decide what you want out of life. The choice is yours. Think of a successful person that you want to emulate. Make it your life goal, in line with your natural aptitude and talent.

Besides academic qualifications, there are some other qualities essential to attaining success in whatever you do:

The selection of the right profession in life has become quite complicated. Your aptitude is your natural tendency or acquired inclination; both capacity and propensity for a certain course. This is one of the secrets in selecting your life goal. Make sure you choose a career that you are naturally suited for, or in a field that interests you.

Every person has a personality that is all his own, with physical, mental, social and emotional characteristics that are unique to him. A positive personality plays a vital part in building a successful career, as people like dealing with somebody who is optimistic, cheerful and confident. Analysing your personality profile helps you to understand yourself and how you relate to your work environment. Are you an early bird or a night owl? Are you outgoing or an introvert? Choose a career in which your personality can shine through. If you are an introvert, for instance, a career in sales may not be suited to your personality. You would be better off doing something that does not require dealing with many people.

There are multiple, inter-disciplinary forms of intelligence, such as linquistic intelligence (displayed by poets), quantitative-logical intelligence (scientists), musical intelligence (composers), spatial intelligence (architects and sculptors), bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (dancers and athletics), interpersonal intelligence (entrepreneurs and trainers), naturalist intelligence (botanists) and existential intelligence (leaders). All individuals have these intelligences, but differ from one another in their strengths and profiles. Psychologists say that the average person uses only 2 to 5 per cent of his mind's potential. Even the best use only up to 10 per cent. Our brain is like a muscle, use if often to develop it. Make sure that what you do challenges your abilities, and forces you to work to, or even exceed, your potential.

Integrity is soundness of moral principles and character. With integrity, you foster closer relationship and trust among those who work with you, especially those you manage. Colleagues will look upon you with respect as well.

Besides the above qualities, you should also possess qualities such as humility, self-motivation, conscientiousness, postitive attitude, self-confidence, resilience, perseverance, patience, foresight, vision, kindness and creativity. Lifelong learning should form part of your daily routine so as to be knowledgeable and to stay ahead of others. Life is full of trials and tribulations. It is not what happens to you, rather it is what you do about your life that matters. Learn life lessons the wise and cost-effective way rather than the hard way.

Every person is good at something. Be a master of your own destiny. Pursue your passion, uncover and develop your natural hidden talent to your fullest potential and bring out the best that is within you.

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