Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Do You Attract Or Repel Success & Happiness?

I’d like to start off with a saying that I thought was important. The quality of your life depends on the quality of your questions.

Some people seem to attract success, power, wealth with very little conscious effort; others do it with great difficulty; and still others fail altogether. Why is this so: Why should some people realize their ambitions easily, others with difficulty, and still others not at all? The cause cannot be physical otherwise the most physically fit men and women would be the most successful. The difference, therefore, is that the mind must be the creative force in attaining all your dreams and desires.
Our attitude of life plays a huge part in how happy we are in this life and how successful we become. Someone who thinks positively about everything will be more relaxed, calm and smile more than someone who is always looking on the bad side. People like to be around other happy people.

Think positive and practice this on a daily basis. If you think a negative thought, turn it around to a positive thought. It may seem like effort at the beginning but it will eventually become second nature. If you talk with someone who is negative or talking about someone or some situation in a negative way, change the subject or say something positive about that person or situation. If that person you are conversing with just doesn’t get the hint you don’t want to talk about something negative, change the subject or excuse yourself.

If you get sucked into a negative conversation because you are aggravated too, first you will need to recognize that you are being negative. Once you recognize that you are being negative, then you can change what you are saying to something positive.

Even though you think you have the right to be negative about something or a situation, you are only hurting yourself. If you complain about something, or fight against something, that negativity will stay with you. The Law of Attraction works this way because the universe only has a way of grouping like with like. Negativity with Negativity. Positive with Positive. Your negativity about a situation will return to you more negative results for that situation.

If you have friends or acquaintances that just talk negative about everything and everyone, then maybe it is time to drop them. I mean if you talk with this person and no matter how much you try and change the subject to something positive, it is time to move onto someone who thinks like you.

Just stick around people with a positive vibe.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tracking your net worth

Wealthy people understand the huge distinction between working income and net worth. Working income is important, but is only one of the four factors that determine your net worth. The four net worth factors are:

Income - working income and passive income
Savings - if you don't keep any of your income, you will never create wealth
Investments - from the money you saved, move to the next stage by investing it
Simplification - simplify your lifestyle. What will it take for you to be happy financially?

Here's the url to download your net worth tracking sheet.

Most people know it's important to keep and organize all of your vital financial information. But knowing you should and knowing how are two different things!

Once you know the reasons for being very organized with your financial data (and keeping it all in a very safe place) I hope you will put organization on your net worth building to-do list (at or near the top).

You need to be able to see your financial strengths and weaknesses quickly. If you are an active investor, it's even more important that you do so. Time wasted on missing data and lost tracking information is money lost.

Also, keeping an accurate and up to date personal net worth statement (personal financial statement) can help you get loans or other financing more quickly.

It would be well worth the effort to be able to give your financial institutions information they need at a glance. And your needs for the same ability to query your net worth and data associated with accounts, investments, in and outgoing money, and other important data are very important.

Be sure and carefully consider all portions of your net worth. Often forgotten components of your net worth are listed below in a handy checklist to get your data system in order and on track.
  • Cash on Hand and In Bank
  • Notes Payable
  • Marketable Securities
  • Non-Marketable Securities
  • Securities Held by Brokers
  • Restricted or Control Stocks
  • Partial Real Estate Interests
  • Owned Real Estate
  • Loans Receivable
  • Life Insurance
  • Other Assets
  • Accounts Payable
  • Amount Due to Brokers
  • Unpaid Income
  • Taxes
  • Other Unpaid Taxes/Interest
  • Other Debts
  • Debt on Real Estate Equities
  • Real Estate Mortgages

Make sure you know what you're really worth. The only way to calculate your net worth accurately is if you track everything above.

On your road to a high net worth you can make fewer pit stops if you have a plan and the data to support your investment decisions and abilities close at hand.

Make use of spread sheet software and programs (i.e. Quicken) to keep your net growth on track. The reports you can run are invaluable for seeing where you’ve been and how far you’ve come with your portfolios, mortgage, taxes, and other important information.

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Hello again... i've gathered some questions about finding networth. Thank you.

I will be uploading a file to help you track your net worth. And of course, some further information about net worth.


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Parkinson's Law

I recently read an article about Parkinson's Law. I've heard of Parkinson illness but never knew about of Parkinson's Law. Parkinson's Law could be more generalized still as: "The demand upon a resource always expands to match the supply of the resource." This law can be applied to individual too. As an individual's income rises, their costs of living and lifestyle increases to meet their income level.
So now lets have a better understanding. T. Harv Eker, bestselling author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, shares with us his view. Poor and most middle-class people believe that the only way to get rich is to earn a lot of money. They believe that only because they've never been there. They don't understand Parkinson's Law, which states, "Expenses will always rise in direct proportion to income."
Here's what's normal in our society. You have a car, you make more money, and you get a better car. You have a house, you make more money, and you get a bigger house. You have clothes, you make more money, and you get nicer clothes. You have holidays, you make more money, and you spend more on holidays. Of course there are a few exceptions to this rule... very few! In general, as income goes up, expenses almost invariably go up too. That's why income alone will never create wealth.
Therefore, if your intention is to be a millionaire or more, you must focus on building your net worth, which is based on much more than just your income. Do you know what's your net worth to the cent?

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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Mastering YOUR LIFE

Quick Summary of Anthony Robbins' Lesson from Unlimited Power

80% of success is PSYCHOLOGY, 20% is MECHANICAL

Psychology simple means our state of mind (mindset).

3 DECISIONS of destiny

There are 3 decisions we are making every moment of our lives that determine our destiny

1. What are you going to focus on?

2. What does it mean?

3. What are you going to do?

Where focus goes, energy flows

So focus on what you want and not what you fear!

What does it take to master your life?

1. Raise your standards (Change your SHOULD to MUST)

2. Change your limiting beliefs

3. Model the strategies that work (Success leaves clues)

4. Increase your emotional intensity to train and build your emotional muscle

5. Give more than you expect to receive (Secret to living is giving)
If you don't quite understood what is presented here, feel free to ask me for more details :)

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Unleashing the Unlimited Power

Despite at such late hour (12:15 am, 5th Sept), I want to complete this writting. I was at Unlimited Power seminar yesterday. It was a one day event which truly is unlimited! I first met Anthony Robbins in year 2003 during his Unleash The Power Within seminar which was held in Kuala Lumpur. Few years later, I was glad to meet this World's Number 1 Success Coach again in Singapore. It did rekindle the deeply rooted emotion drew from UPW2003 and also unleashed the power within me. That power drives me to continue writting! Presto!

Two more speakers were present: Allan Pease and Stephen Pierce.

Anthony Robbins
World's #1 Success Coach

Highly respected as the nation's foremost authority on the psychology of peak performance and personal, professional, and organizational turnaround, Robbins has advised and counseled Fortune 500 CEOs, world-renowned medical doctors, championship sports teams (including America's Cup winner, America 3; Stanley Cup finalist, Los Angeles Kings; NBA Champion San Antonio Spurs; and other teams in the NHL, MLB, and NBA), elite athletes and coaches (including Andre Agassi; Greg Norman; and championship-winning athletes from the NFL, PGA, USTA and NASCAR) and legends in entertainment (such as Quincy Jones and Anthony Hopkins). He has coached the late Princess Diana, Nelson Mandela, Andre Agassi and many well known figures.

Stephen Pierce

Business Optimization Strategist

Business Optimization Strategist whose highly effective interactive results coaching and consulting has made him an internationally in-demand speaker. Pierce is CEO of Impulsive Profits, Inc., Innovation Marketers, LLC and owner of the Ann Arbor Thinkubator, Michigan's most creative and innovative meeting space, where business owners travel from as far as Asia, Australia and the United Kingdom to experience the power of Pierce's optimization strategies.

Allan Pease
Body Language Expert
Allan Pease has been known internationally as "Mr. Body Language" since his definitive book with that title became a multi-million seller and the communication bible for organizations worldwide. His keynote addresses, books, video and audio programs, TV shows and advice on personal image are sought after by everyone from business executives and Prime Ministers, to TV presenters, Royalty and rock stars. His sales and communications systems have grown companies from one man bands to multi-nationals.

Here, catch the opening ceremony video captured from my IXUS 65.

Unlimited Power was truly awesome and mind blowing! The impact on me was truly great and life changing. My greatest lesson is not to settle for less but to set a new high standard and step up to it.
Here's a short clip of Tony's session.

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Monday, September 3, 2007

Meeting with Investment Consultant

930am : It's my usual workout at Planet Fitness, Vivocity. For many people, morning exercise is a challenging task. Same goes for me.

1105am : I'm late for 11 am meeting with JL Global Investment Consultant, Liling.

1125am : She's already seated inside. I have arranged to meet her at Banquet foodcourt, Vivocity. I have recently exit from my investment and made a decent return. The meeting is to facilitate this exit and also to discuss a little more in detail about two new investments. I'm late, so I ought to buy her drink.

1200pm : We're having a great talk. It's a good start. We discuss the details of the two investments - Indonesia oil palm funding and Australia Bundoora property funding. Both investments are exciting and very rewarding. I can't decide! I want to have both! She gives me good advice on my another current real estate investment - Cash back loan. It's a very useful leverage tool. It's a good financial lesson from her. Excellent! She'll send me some information on that too. That's what I called excellent customer service. Good job!

1245pm : End of our meeting. Liling can't join me for lunch. It's a pity or else I could learn more sound investment ideas from her.

0100pm : Heading back home.

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