Monday, November 26, 2007

The Millionaire Mind Intensive.... Awesome!

Dear Readers

Over the weekend, I was so fortunate to be at this explosive seminar, The Millionaire Mind Intensive (MMI). The speaker was none other than Mr T. Harv Eker who went from zero to millionaire in only 2 1/2 years! He combines a unique brand of 'street-smarts with heart'.

Harv is the author of the best-selling books, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and SpeedWealth. He has also developed several highly-acclaimed courses such as The Millionaire Mind Intensive, Life Directions, Wizard Training and Train the Trainer. He is also the producer and trainer of the world-famous Enlightened Warrior Training. The New York Times called him The Financial Evangelist! You know what does an evangelist do? Evangelist is Christian who tries to persuade other people to become Christian, especially at public gatherings or in broadcasts... But Harv is recognised as the financial evangelist.
The seminar was really enlightening. The learning curve was steep... Here, I would like to share with you a small fraction of huge portion of what I've learned from it!

I'm not being stingy ok... Just feel that you should experience the MMI yourself if the next opportunity arrives. Harv did mention that MMI will be back in June 2008. He has committed to be in Asia for one year to help more people in Asia.

Harv in action!

Robert Riopel, the lead trainer for Peak Potentials Training. With his heart-felt style, he now teaches the Millionaire Mind principles and has helped change the lives of thousands and thousands of people!

Alright, talk about 'receiving' and 'worthiness'...

The #1 reason most people don't get what they want is because they don't know what they want.
Second reason most people don't get what they want is they don't know why they want it.

Getting rich is proportionate to the problems you solve and the value you add to other people's lives. Another reason most people never reach their financial potential is that they are poor receiver.

Most people feel unworthy or undeserving. You are worthy because you are alive right now.

You are here for a reason whether you know it or not. Most people have been conditioned to believe that it is better to give than receive.

If both have to be there for the other to exist, how could one be better than the other? Hmmm... making sense right?

Now, here's one solid declaration that is worth every memory cell of yours to remember...

"Universe, if anyone has something great coming to them, and they're not willing to take it, send it to me. I am open and willing to receive all of your blessings. Thank you."

It doesn't matter whether you feel worthy or not, you can still get rich either way.

Whether you are worthy or not is all a made-up story.

If I say I'm worthy I am. If I say I'm unworthy, I'm not. Instead of trying to change your worthiness, change your story. Make up a new one.

There you have a quick, enlightening, powerful, mind blowing and positive lesson... Enjoy the following video!

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Monday, November 19, 2007

On Failure and Learning from Mistakes

While walking in the mall, you saw a toddler struggling to walk properly. In your mind you thought, "Isn't she so cute... oh, come on. Walk steadily... Yes, that's right." You were anxiously waiting to see her make that few more baby steps.

The next few seconds, she fell and landed on her backside. She leaned forward with her hands on the ground, pushing her body upward to a balance position before she could stand properly again. That's the spirit of the toddler - never give up. You go, "Well done baby girl!"

How often in the adult world when we failed in achieving something, or simply made mistakes, we lost that spirit which once infected us when we were young?

Most people are afraid to fail. They worry constantly about not meeting expectations, making a mistake, or trying something new. Because of this, many never get started on the path toward reaching their goals.. and thus assure themselves of the very thing they are afraid of.. failure. In order to become a successful entrepreneur you will likely have to ‘pay your dues.' You'll likely have to fail a few times, learn from your lessons, and only then be able to come through a winner. While you don't have to take wild chances, you do have to take calculated and educated risks.

In the world of academics, mistakes are perceived as bad and to be avoided. For the first twenty-two years of your life, you are taught that mistakes are bad and embarrassing.. when in fact mistakes are simply opportunities to learn something new. The more mistakes a person makes, the more they will have learned and the greater chance they will have of succeeding on their next try. The key, however, is to learn from your mistakes and never make the same mistake twice.

Thomas Edison would have never invented the light bulb if he did not take this principle to heart. Edison failed more than 10,000 times before he found the filament that would create light for a sustained period of time. He did not view these as failures, however. On the 6,635th try to find a proper filament for the light bulb, Edison did not see himself has having failed 6634 times. He reframed the situation so that to him he had successfully eliminated 6,643 possibilities, refining and narrowing his search as he proceeded, drawing him closer and closer to his goal.

Two other failures you may have heard of are Levi Strauss and Christopher Columbus. Strauss headed for the gold mines of California in hopes of gold and glory. But he found none. Instead, this failure gave him new knowledge of a gap in the marketplace. He began selling pants out of canvas for the miners that were succeeding. Today, we've all heard of Levi Strauss jeans. Columbus failed miserably on his goal to find a route to India . However, in failing he ran into a new opportunity.. that of the new world. By taking action and learning from your mistakes and failures, you'll gain new knowledge and become aware of many new opportunities. When you come to the edge of what you know, it's time to make some mistakes.

If you have reached the edge of your career after a number of years and feeling enormously tired, it's time that you make some mistakes. Try making some daring approaches to your work. If the only solution is for you to seek for another new job, do it. If being entreprising is what you desire, go for it. To put yourself in a dilemma situation will not help you move on. If you keep doing the same thing, you will get the same result. Anthony Robbins said that insanity is when you keep doing the same thing and hoping for a different result. An instant mistake that will reap new learning experience is certainly much better than years of clinging on to the same old mistake and doing nothing at all.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

When Passion Ended

Do you feel like most people do nowadays?

Do you feel uninspired?

Do you feel as though there is no light at the end of the tunnel, and that you have simply died inside and are waiting for your turn in the coffin?

Many people have lost their drive, their passion, their inspiration. In fact, even the most successful of people have moments in their lives that they too feel that they are as low as they can go and that they have nothing more to give. This is a natural part of our human experience.

The problem for most people is that they have had more than enough influence and people in their lives telling them why they don't deserve to be more, to do more, to have more. We have magazines, music, teachers, mentors, parents, friends, and a million other sources telling us who and what we should be. For a society where the individual is cherished, we sure have enough people saying who that individual should and should not be.

We need to reclaim our right to be an individual as we choose to be. Not allowing ourselves to be influenced by others opinions and choices unless we choose to do so. The right, and the ability to find our own inspiration and motivation and passion in life. The right to choose, without allowing the judgment of others to influence our decisions, who and what we want to do, have, and be.

If you feel uninspired, or as though you have lost your passion, it's time for you to find it again. To find that place within yourself, within your life where you have your passion, your inspiration. You must take the time to find those things that inspire you and drive you.

If you feel uninspired, it means that you haven't taken the time to find things that inspire you. You haven't taken the time to find those things that allow you to feel passionate. It's different for every single person. One person may feel inspired and passionate about changing lives and building a non-profit organization to do so.

Other people may find inspiration and passion in developing themselves and growing. The bible, religion, or philosophy may be enough for them. Still others may find inspiration and passion by sailing on the open sea. There is no deeper and darker a feeling than not having inspiration and passion.

When waking up is just something you do because you have to, then you have either not found your inspiration or passion, or you have lost it some where along your journey. Inspiration and passion keeps you up late at night because you can't get the ideas out fast enough. It wakes you early in the morning because you can't wait to get started again.

Inspiration and passion can be found in the most simple of places at times, and it must be searched for as diligently as a piece of gold or a diamond. It hides inside of our hearts, deep inside our gut, and it waits to be released. Once it is released, it touches us in ways that cause us to never return to the way our lives were before it touched us.

Here's a meaningful story that I would like to share with you. May it enlightens you...

Once upon a time there was a very strong woodcutter. He asked for a job from a timber merchant and he got it. The pay was really good and so were the work conditions. For that reason the woodcutter was determined to do his best.

His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he was supposed to work. The first day the woodcutter brought down 18 trees. The Boss was very much impressed and said Congratulations Go on that way! Very motivated by the boss words the woodcutter tried harder the next day but he only could bring down 15 trees. The third day he tried even harder but he only could bring down 10 trees. Day after day he was bringing down less and less trees.

I must be losing my strength the woodcutter thought to himself. He went to the boss and apologized saying that he could not understand what was going on. When was the last time you sharpened your axe? the boss asked.

Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying to cut the trees.

Our lives are like that. We sometimes get so busy that we don't take time to sharpen the axe. In today's world it seems that everyone is busier than ever but less happy than ever. Why is that? Could it be that we have forgotten how to stay sharp? There's nothing wrong with activity and hard work. But we should not get so busy that we neglect the truly important things in life like our personal life taking time to read etc. We all need time to relax to think and meditate to learn and grow. If we don’t take time to sharpen the axe we will become dull and lose our effectiveness.

So start from today, think about the ways by which you could do your job more effectively and add a lot of value to it.

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Don't Be Complacent!

The future is bright, but only if we are honest with ourselves that we have a lot of very difficult work to do. Otherwise, we will see the others pulling ahead and we walking in place.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Secret Psychology To Money

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get rich easily, while others are destined for a life of financial struggle?

Is the difference found in their education, intelligence, skills, timing, work habits, contacts, luck, or their choice of jobs, businesses, or investments?

The answer is: None of the above!


Most of us were never taught how to win the money game and if we were, most likely we were taught by people who weren’t very good at it. The first critical element in winning the money game is knowing exactly how to do what rich people do to get and keep wealth.

If you want to change how you deal with your finances on the outside, you’re going to need to change how you think about money. You are going to have to learn the “inner game” of wealth building. Go within, make the changes, and your outer world will manifest what you choose!


We all have a blueprint that decides how we handle money. It’s deeply ingrained in our subconscious and it determines your financial destiny. It comes from our past programming—things we learned in childhood in three 3 primary ways: Verbal Conditioning - what we heard; Modeling - what we saw; and, Specific Incidents – what we experienced.

But here’s the key:


“Your income can only grow to the extent that you do!” -- T. Harv Eker

Start growing your financial mindset today. Equip yourself with financial literacy and you will experience growth in your income.

“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” -- Benjamin Franklin

So what is your financial blueprint set for? Are you set for success, mediocrity or failure; ease or struggle; consistent earnings or an “up and down” income?

Some of us are set for saving, some for spending, some do both in cycles that keep them financially treading water their whole lives. There are those who instinctively choose winning investments and those who consistently pick losers. do you know which way your blueprint is set?

One way is to look at your results!

Now here's something factual to prepare yourself. Do you realize that by the time you reach age 65, there's a...

45% Chance you'll depend on family and friends for financial help
28% Possibility you'll rely on public assistance
22% Likelihood you'll still be working
4% Probability you'll only be able to meet your basic needs
1% Chance you'll be financially independent

Which one do you choose to be in?

Top 1%? Congratulations on your wise choice.

Make it a commitment and change all your SHOULDs to MUSTs.

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It All Starts With The Mindset

It all starts with the mindset. Do you want it bad enough to commit your all to see it through? Search your heart deep inside, because this is definitely not for the fainthearted. It will not be an easy road but it will be a very rewarding one. Whatever the outcome, your life will definitely be enriched. Are you ready to eat, drink, sleep and dream on your new venture?

Have you for the longest time wanted to go to the gym on a regular basis but never quite made it? Then, when your wedding day or a major event was just around the corner and you wanted to look stunning, suddenly found yourself in the gym practically every other day?

If you do not have a compelling reason or burning passion for what you are about to embark on, then do not start. Chances of you seeing it through and doing it well will be very slim.
When I started a part-time business, I practically did not have much experience. Working in the corporate world did not teach me much about entrepreneurship. It was never a ground to mould entrepreneur. I was mentally preparing myself to eventually quit a high-flying secure corporate job to learn a new venture. I was ready to learn and unlearn. I did not know much about the internet but believed it would shape how the world would operate in future. It was with that conviction that I was willing to risk my comfortable lifestyle and put my bread and butter on the line.

To try something new, one must be willing to move out of one's comfort zone. Dare to act on your ideas and be prepared for the worst-case scenario.

Have a clear objective in mind of what you want to achieve and be prepared to make adjustments along the way.

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Friday, November 2, 2007

Profitability Of Oil and Gas Investments

Compared to traditional investments, the right direct investment in oil and gas may provide solid returns with monthly cash flow, particularly in today's high oil and gas markets. In addition, direct investments in oil and gas can provide tax advantages which are not available with stocks and bonds. Furthermore, being diversified with direct investments in oil and gas can provide a hedge against the impact of high or rising energy prices on other asset classes.

Some potential advantages of direct investments in oil and gas may include:
  • Potential payback between 2-4 years;
  • Tax deductions not available to other investment classes;
  • Years of regular cash flow;
  • An investment which is less impacted by the 'up and downs' of the stock market and interest rates;
  • Diversification of your investments.
However with direct investments in oil and gas, there is the possibility of the loss of a portion, or all, of the investment principal if the well or wells are unsuccessful. Furthermore certain direct investments are relatively illiquid and very difficult to sell to others.

Certain direct investments in oil and gas provide a monthly payment for the oil and natural gas sold during the month.

Investments in oil and gas are less dependent on the economy or interest rates compared to traditional investments like stocks and bonds. As a result, these investments may provide a hedge against a downturn in the economy, particularly if the downturn is the result of a shortage of oil and gas.

Traditionally, investing in Oil and Gas fields has always been the territory of the qualified investors. However, a company called OilPods is determined to change this. It opens up the opportunity to retail investors to participate in the acquisition of Oil Leases of Productive Oil fields for the purpose of acquiring an income asset that through its daily production of crude oil will generate a monthly positive cashflow income for the investors. Just how secure is such method?

The company carves out 7.5% of its first lease’s “Working Interest”. For example, this lease is called the Zullig Project. The 7.5% of the Zullig Project is in turn divided into 240 units for individual investors to invest in, through OilPods.

OilPods offer investors a cashflow or income instrument where the monthly returns may be cashed out or re-invested to increase the constantly “income” producing units. This directly increases the cashflow return to the investors monthly.

The duration of the return depends on the mineral reserves in the land. The first monthly income payable to investors commence immediately upon the completion of title transfer, which currently takes 6 months from the date of contract. The conservatively projected return is between 7 to 15%.
OilPods collaborates with US based, Powder River Basin and Gas Corporation (, a publicly traded Colorado corporation trading under the symbol PRVB. PRVB acquires and explores Oil and Gas properties. Lets examine the income statement of PRVB.

For FY2006 - 2004,

Net Income : $5,725,000 $699,000 $1,008,000
Cash And Cash Equivalents : $2,733,000 $383,000 $169,000
Income Before Tax : $8,757,000 $1,511,000 $1,008,000
The Company's net revenues from oil and gas sales for the first six months of 2007 increased to $1,566,833 from $795,797 for the first six months of 2006. This represents an increase of $571,036 or approximately 71.8% over the previous year. The Company also had net revenues from working interest sales of $9,540,843, an increase of $325,843 or approximately 3.5% over the same period of 2006. Powder River Basin Gas Corp. had a net profit of $6,813,727 before income taxes for the first six months of 2007. This represents a Basic Income Per Common Share of $0.04.
PRVB delivered a set of good financial results. Despite such, its share price has been plunging from highest $0.46 to the current $0.23 (on Nov 1, 2007). For the past few years, PRVB didn't declare any dividend payout to shareholders, cited reason such as capital for business expansion. Could it be this reason that investors start to abandon PRVB shares causes it to depreciate?
Nontheless, with the recent high oil price, early birds of OilPods investors are definitely on cloud nine! For keen investors, please visit for more information.

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Which Category Do You Want To Be In?

Do you realize that by the time you reach age 65, there's a...

45% Chance you'll depend on family and friends for financial help
28% Possibility you'll rely on public assistance
22% Likelihood you'll still be working
4% Probability you'll only be able to meet your basic needs
1% Chance you'll be financially independent
