Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Fear Is In Us

What is the definition of fear to you? Is it a deep sense of feeling that will immobilise your motion and thinking? I believe we have various definitions of fear, but the commonality is that we understand that fear is in all of us.

Have you ever seen a tigress protect her cubs when under threat? Tigresses are overly cautious and secretive when caring for young cubs. She will immediately move them if the area becomes disturbed or threatened. Under extreme case, she would attack her predator if she has to.

In year 2003, I participated in Anthony Robbins event, Unleash The Power Within (UPW) and one of its climax exercise was to walk the fire. What was on my mind that time? Fill with fear! Images of burnt victims crossed my mind... I couldn't help but to focus on such horrible images. After Tony explained the exercise, I mastered the tactic to overcome my fear. Most self-improvement books will have these sayings,

"What you focus, is what you get"
"What you focus on will expand"
"Where focus goes, energy flows and results show"

and of course, there are others. So I understood the true meaning of the exercise and I came out of the fire without any degree of burn. I was so excited and we were asked to celebrate histerically. Celebration allows one to anchor the feeling!

So the next time you come across situation where fear is trying to control you, stop focusing on it... think of solution and you will arrive at one.

Courage is seeing the face of fear and refusing to have it be our master!

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