Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Taking pills of MOTIVATION to stay SELF-MOTIVATED

Dear Reader, do you have challenges with a lack of motivation? The very meaning of the word motivation means “to move”. Defined as the internal factor that induces behavior and gives a new direction, motivation is integral to everyone’s life. Motivation theory described the various processes that talk about the reasons (why, how, what etc) that affect an induce behavior patterns in all of us to feel motivated to do something.

One factor which plays a major role in determining the success of any individual is motivation. Motivation is a positive emotion which drives human beings for achieving their goals and provides them with the necessary drive to achieve what they desire. Now the question arises about how to maintain our motivation level at all time? Read on to discover how.

What are you striving for? Do you have goals in life? - There can be several things you might be striving for in terms of material aspect. But the question in hand is, are you striving for perfection? If this is the case then you would most probably end up demoralizing yourself as there is no such thing as perfection. Each new day in your life is a new discovery therefore you should strive for excellence and not perfection to stay motivated.

Have a deadline - This is the biggest form of inspiration and motivation for any human being. Goals are dreams with deadlines. Having a specified deadline keeps you charged up as closer the dead line comes the harder you need to work therefore it keeps you on your toes. It also keeps your motivation level at high.

Take massive actions - The main secret to motivation is doing what you truly want to do from within not what someone else wants or expects you to do. Therefore do not live according to the society of the people around you and be your own master. Therefore you do not need an external push to get your engine going, you have all the energy within you good enough to help you achieve your goal with ease. That is what self-motivation is all about.

Let your fears drive you - It's good to have fears at times as they drive you towards success. Usually, pain factors are more useful in helping you to stay focus on your goals and maintain your motivation state. Let your fear be a driving force along with a specified deadline. Make it like a real battle where it's a do or die situation. Think about how awful your life would be if you do not achieve what you truly desire.

Learn from famous failures - There are several famous people right now who used to be big failures at first. Learn from such great people and model their mindsets. Get into their minds and learn how they managed to bypass the turbulent times to become what they are right now. Why do they have such great motivation? Overcoming adverse situations and make an opportunity out of diversity is the best motivating factor for any human being.

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